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Google Sheets Formulas

Google Sheets is a versatile cloud-based spreadsheet tool that makes it easy to create, edit, and share data online. Learning the right formulas can make a big difference, whether you’re managing a business, organizing school work, or just sorting out your data. Google Sheets is packed with useful formulas that can help simplify calculations, sort information quickly, and much more.

Here, we’ll cover the essential Google Sheets formulas you need to know, from simple sums to more advanced functions like VLOOKUP.

Google Sheet Formulas

Basic Google Sheets Formula

A Google Sheets Formula is like magic for your spreadsheets. It’s a simple way to tell Google Sheets to do some math or sort out your data automatically. You just type in the right words and symbols (the formula), and it can add up your numbers, find averages, or even pull in info from the internet. This will increase your productivity in work and by using these Google Sheets Formulas, you will work more efficiently.

Here are some Basic Information related to Google Sheets:

  1. Function: A preset formula that makes it easy to perform complex calculations.
  2. Cell: The boxes where you put data or formulas in a spreadSheets.
  3. Range: A selection of cells you want to use in your formula.
  4. Sum: Add up all the numbers in a range.
  5. Average: Finds the middle number of a range.
  6. IF statement: A formula that does something if a condition is true and something else if it’s not.

Why Google Sheets Formulas Are Important?

Google Sheets formulas play an important role in increasing productivity and accuracy when working with spreadsheets. Let’s explore why they are so important for anyone:

  • Formulas automate repetitive tasks, reducing the need for manual calculations and data entry. This saves time and reduces the risk of errors or mistakes.
  • For professionals or any business dealing with large amounts of information, using formulas data entry, modification, and maintenance. Without automatic functions, creating spreadSheetss can be slow and to mistakes.
  • Google Sheets formulas provide a wide range of functionalities, allowing users to perform complex calculations, manipulate data, and create dynamic reports while saving time.

Google Sheets Functions List

1. SUM: =SUM(range)

Adds up values in a range of cells.



Calculates the average of values in a range of cells


3. IF: =IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)

Allows you to make decisions based on a condition. It returns one value if the condition is true and another if it’s false.

=IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)

4. VLOOKUP: =VLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])

Searches for a value in the first column of a range and returns a value in the same row from another column.

=VLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])

5. COUNTIF: =COUNTIF(range, criteria)

Counts the number of cells within a range that meet a single condition.

=COUNTIF(range, criteria)

6. SUMIF: =SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

Adds up values in a range that meet a single condition.

=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

7. CONCATENATE: =CONCATENATE(string1, string2, …)

Joins two or more strings of text together.

 =CONCATENATE(string1, string2, ...)

8. DATE: =DATE(year, month, day)

Returns the current date.

=DATE(year, month, day)

9. NOW: =NOW()

Returns the current date and time.



In conclusion, mastering Google Sheets formulas is an indispensable skill that can significantly improve your efficiency and analytical abilities. By understanding basic functions and operations like addition and multiplication, along with special functions like SUM and IF, you can efficiently analyze and tweak your data.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user of Google Sheetss, these formulas will let you automate tasks, make informed decisions, and increase your workflow. So get into, experiment with different formulas, and unlock the full potential of Google Sheetss to enhance your productivity and data analysis skills.

Google Sheets Formulas – FAQs

What are the special formulas in Google Sheets?

  • SUM: Adds up a range of cells, like “=SUM(A1:A10)“.
  • AVERAGE: Calculates the average of a range, such as “=AVERAGE(A1:A10)“.
  • IF: Makes a decision based on a condition, like “=IF(A1>10, “Yes”, “No”)“.

What are the basic formulas in Google Sheets?

  • SUM: Adds numbers. Formula: <span>=SUM(A1, A2, A3)</span> or <span>=SUM(A1:A3)</span>
  • AVERAGE: Calculates the average of numbers. Formula: <span>=AVERAGE(A1:A3)</span>
  • COUNT: Counts cells with numbers. Formula: <span>=COUNT(A1:A3)</span>
  • MIN: Finds the minimum value. Formula: <span>=MIN(A1:A3)</span>
  • MAX: Finds the maximum value. Formula: <span>=MAX(A1:A3)</span>
  • IF: Performs conditional calculations. Formula: <span>=IF(A1 > 10, "Over 10", "10 or less")</span>
  • CONCATENATE or &: Joins text strings. Formula: <span>=CONCATENATE(A1, B1)</span> or <span>=A1 & B1</span>
  • LEFT, RIGHT, MID: Extracts text from cells.
    • Formula for LEFT: <span>=LEFT(A1, 3)</span>
    • Formula for RIGHT: <span>=RIGHT(A1, 3)</span>
    • Formula for MID: <span>=MID(A1, 2, 3)</span>
  • VLOOKUP: Searches vertically in a column. Formula: <span>=VLOOKUP("search_key", A1:B10, 2, FALSE)</span>

How do I make Google Sheets automatically calculate?

  • Enter your formulas into cells where you want the calculations to appear.
  • Google Sheetss will automatically update the results whenever you change the values in the cells.
  • Make sure to use proper cell references so that the calculations adjust to any changes you make in your spreadSheets.

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